Wednesday 27 March 2013

Udah lama?

Kapan coba terakhir nulis disini? Pertengahan pre-u program pas lagi sebel-sebelnya sama orang? Udah gak jaman, sekarang jamannya ditenggelemin sama tugas kuliah.

Ceileh, gaya banget, gak gitu juga sih sebenernya, biasa aja.

Sekarang gue udah mulai kuliah. Akhirnya. Setelah ketinggalan enam bulan dengan mereka yang di tanah air, akhirnya gue kedapetan giliran juga untuk belajar di tingkat universitas. Dramatisnya mungkin ini dream come true lah ya dan omongan berikutnya tentu akan berkisar mengenai pengalaman perdana di kehidupan kuliah gue. Sibuk? Menyenangkan? Dapet temen baru? Nemu gebetan ganteng? Membakar adrenalin? Mengguncangkan dunia? Cetar membahana? Badai angin belitung? Jawabannya adalah: gak semuanya.

Minggu pertama sekolah gue jenuh mampus. Sejenuh itu sampe gue sempet nangis sendirian di kamar saking gak tau kenapa bisa ngerasa sejenuh itu. Dari awal gue udah berencana untuk tidak membuat ekspektasi apapun untuk kuliah. It was something that I look forward to, tapi gak pernah sekalipun gue mikir itu akan menjadi pengalaman yang menyenangkan atau mengerikan. Sayangnya minggu pertama kuliah gue jatuh ke kategori yang kedua. Kuliah itu (minggu pertama aja ya, sama mungkin pas ujian nanti) mengerikan. 

Enggak kok, gue gak dibotakin. Gue gak disuruh buat name tag dengan foto gue lagi narsis di depan bajay BBG. Gue gak disuruh push up sit up koprol sikap lilin 500 kali. Gue juga gak diteriakin sama kakak kelas cewek yang super happening diantara kaum kakak kelas ganteng cowok tapi kalo sama adek kelas seperti gue bisa di lempar botol. Itu semua tidak terjadi. Di kampus gue ini yang namanya orientasi bener-bener solely memperkenalkan kampus kepada mahasiswa-mahasiswi baru. Tidak lebih.

Jadi apa dong yang serem? 

Kagok kuliah. 

Itu serem.

Jadwal minggu pertama kuliah gue itu isinya lecture doang. Easy lah, cuman perlu hadir doang, diabsen juga kagak sama lecturernya. Ruangan juga gede banget dan yang dateng bisa sampe 500 murid. Kecuali kalo muka gue secantik Kaya Scodelario dan gue seatraktif Taylor Swift, mungkin gue baru bakal diinget sama lecturer-lecturer gue. Lalu apa yang membuat lecture ini menjadi salah satu alasan untuk gue kagok kuliah? 

Murid-muridnya pinter banget. Gila.

Selama pre-u, kayaknya kita dilarang untuk main asal nyeplos kalo lecturer kita lagi ngomong di depan. Namun di uni, semua murid ada hak untuk menyatakan opini mereka. Jadi jangan kaget aja kalo lecturer lagi ngomong eh tiba-tiba ada oknum bule di depan lo main nyela. Lebih hebatnya lagi, murid-murid ini ga main asal nyeplos, mereka nyeplos opini mereka dalam rangkaian kata yang sebegitu bagusnya sudah dirangkai di otak masing-masing sampai waktu dikeluarkan kayaknya ada Chairil Anwar (pake bahasa Inggris) ngomong di depan lo. Dipersingkat: Mereka semua terdengar sangat fancy, padahal apa yang mereka utarakan itu tidak jauh beda dengan apa yang ada di kepala gue. Sayangnya, saya tidak fasih berbahasa Inggris, jadi kalo gue yang ngomong, ada juga gue bakal kedengeran kayak kucing meong-meong sambil kelelep air.

Itu adalah salah satu alasan pertama kenapa gue kagok kuliah. Gue ngerasa terintimidasi dengan keberadaan pelajar-pelajar istimewa ini yang enggak pernah berenti berargumen dengan bapak ibu lecturer di depan.

Alasan berikutnya adalah ketidak adanya keberadaan teman. Geli banget ya udah kuliah masih takut campur malu kalo pergi ke kelas sendirian gara-gara dulu kebiasaan sama temen yang udah kenal baik mulu. Tapi beneran deh, pergi ke kelas yang isinya penuh dengan orang yang gak lo kenal, bukan satu adat sama lo dan lo tidak fasih berbicara bahasa mereka, itu bisa menjadi salah satu pengalaman yang paling mengerikan di kehidupan lo. Gue pernah curhat soal ini ke temen gue, dan dia sendiri juga bilang, "1 in 50,000 doesn't feel good." Jadi sebenernya gak ada salahnya gue ngerasa kesepian. Jangan kelanjutan aja. 

Gue pernah deg-degan banget sebelom dateng ke salah satu tutorial kelas gue. Saking nervousnya, gue dateng duluan, mencoba membuat usaha untuk nenangin diri diluar ruangannya dan tiba-tiba ada murid sekelas (lokal dari sini) yang nyamperin gue. Kata dia, "There's nothing to be anxious about! The teacher won't have enough time to discuss all the questions anyways!" Dia jelas tidak bisa mengerti keadaan gue yang sebenernya lagi super gak pede dipersatukan sama kaum dia.

Sebenernya itu aja sih yang ngebuat gue kagok banget sama kuliah. Minggu pertama rasanya kayak pertama kali gue diceburin ke kolam renang. Gue bener-bener memasuki zona baru, yang dimana gue mesti buat effort untuk bisa ngambang, kerja keras buat bisa maju berenang, atau diem aja dan ngebiarin diri gue tenggelam. Semua pilihan untuk tiga tahun kedepan ada di gue sendiri. Dan dari minggu pertama, gue belajar untuk tidak melakukan kesalahan yang sama: ngebiarin diri gue tenggelam ke dasar yang paling dalam cuma karena gue gak yakin sama diri gue sendiri.

Seperti biasa gue gak tau cara menutup post gue, tapi gue ada sedikit pesan buat angkatan 2013 yang udah tinggal 20 harian lagi mau UAN. Pas kalian udah kuliah nanti, entah di tanah air atau merantau keluar negeri, kalau kalian mau ngeluh atau putus asa saat belajar untuk ulangan atau ngerjain tugas, ingat, ini adalah apa yang kalian mimpikan selama tiga tahun terakhir di SMA. Jangan sia-siain waktu lo buat galauin tugas. Tugas jangan digalauin, tugas dikerjain! 

Sekian dan trims. Aha.

Sunday 1 July 2012

Butuh kacamata baru

Atau point of view dan perspective baru?

Wednesday 20 June 2012


Have you ever had one of those moments when you hate someone so badly----wait no, not hate, more like, horribly annoyed, to the point that you get extremely vexed with them?

And it made me wonder how many times we forgive just because we don't want to lose someone, even if they don't deserve our forgiveness. It also seems to me that people are now awfully good at ‘forgive and forget’.

But when there's nothing to forgive, they just tend to forget.

I just tend to forget.

Saturday 26 May 2012

Random Conversations #2

*Lagi jalan di kampus*
Temen #1: Wah gue nemu tempat rokok Indo nih di Chinatown, sip abis!
Temen #2: Serius? Bagi dong! Gw terakhir ngerokok rokok Indo langsung homesick gitu!
Temen #1: Ngerokok apa lo terakhir?
Temen #2: Itu loh, rokok Sempurna!
Gw: Sampurna kali...

*Lagi di kelas, iseng mau belajar Bahasa Cina*
Gw: How to say "fighting!" in Chinese? (referring to 'hwaiting' / good luck)
Temen Yang Emang Dateng Dari Cina: Jia You!
Temen Indo Sok Tau: Kung-fu!
Gw dan Temen Yang Emang Dateng Dari Cina: ...........

*Lagi ngomongin konser sama temen-temen*
Gw: Wah udah empat bulan nih gue gak nonton konser. Kangen deh.
Temen Yang Sering Nonton Konser: Gue baru aja sebelom pindah ke sini nonton Simple Plan dulu.
Temen Yang Gakpernah Nonton Konser Sama Sekali: Gue udah 16 tahun ga nonton konser!

*Lagi jalan di city barengan sama temen dan pacarnya*
Gw: Wah, ini sih gue udah buka third-wheel lagi namanya jalan sama lo dan cowok lo.
Temen: Lah terus lo apaan dong?
Gw: Cart-wheel!

*Lagi ngobrol sama temen di BBM*
Temen: Ning lo kenapa ga masuk psikolog aja?
Gw: Ah ga ah, nanti kalo di Indo gw kalah sama ustad-ustad.
Temen: Hah ustad itu apaan?
Gw: Itu loh, Aa Gym.
Temen: Aa Gym itu apaan?
Gw: *Gubrak*

Saturday 19 May 2012

(The Post) Hunger Games Post

Disclaimer: Ini post udah ditahan-tahan dua bulan dan akhirnya gue post juga, lupa mulu. Ini bukti kalo gue udah nulis ini sejak dua bulan yang lalu, tepatnya sehari (atau malemnya ya?) setelah gue nonton The Hunger Games


I am actually writing a movie review.

I watched The Hunger Games yesterday, and didn't expect the movie to be.. very surprising.

I am one of those people who didn't know The Hunger Games' existence till I watched the trailer, which was like a few weeks prior the movie release. I may sound like a hater but to be extremely honest, the plot sounds extremely dumb and absurd to me. The characters' names are like every other bad fanfictions out there kind of bad names, it is beyond tacky and ridiculous. The background story is terrible and the world in the story is set up weirdly. When I first read the summary, I don't understand how teens have to compete against each other and by competing; killing each other. It is not necessarily like a 'punishment' for them, but more like to remind the people from the various districts that they are powerless and vulnerable against The Capitol. Still, I don't understand the motive behind the story. It seems like the author purposely choose such insane scenes in order to push the action sequences in the book or in the movie. The author clearly had the film in mind when writing this down. To wrap it up, I didn't get the hype of the movie and I am fairly surprised that people are starting to expect this to be better than the already oh so famous and legendary series, Harry Potter.

Anyways enough with me ranting about the book. I decided not to read the series before I watch the movie and I am more than grateful that I decided to do that. For a two hours and twenty minutes long movie, I am proud to say that I didn't get bored or sick of any parts at all.

It is rare that a film based on a young adult novel is able to juggle so many powerful issues so profoundly. It is very enjoyable, intriguing, entertaining and enthralling from beginning to end. 8.5/10 from me!

I have to praise Jennifer Lawrence's acting (been rooting for her since her last X-Men movie tbh!) and George Hutcherson, the guy who played Peeta was pretty good too. However, everyone's favorite flower boy aka Liam Hemsworth only had a five-minutes screentime during the whole movie. Not sure about the other roles because some of them are pretty irrelevant.

I truly understand how the movie received several amount of criticism on their camera work. I was complaining about this as well. It was so shaky (most of the times the cameras are handheld) and they keep switching the scenes so frequently it made my eyes hurt and my head spinning during the first half of the movie. The visuals/animation (especially) the fire on Katniss and Peeta's outfit during the tribute parade and Katniss' dress during the talk show was incredibly awful. The dogs (it looks like a hybrid of a wild bear and dog to me) were so ludicrous and the Cerberus from Harry Potter's first movie which was released eons ago actually looks better than the one in The Hunger Games.

In conclusion, The Hunger Games was pretty amazing. It was breathtaking, full with action-packed scenes mixed with a fair amount of dramatic friendship and romantic clips.. Viewers would enjoy the film regardless of whether they had read the book. Oh and if you're wondering whether this movie is better than Twilight or not. YES. IT IS. MUCH BETTER THAN TWILIGHT. MUCH MUCH BETTER DON'T YOU EVEN DARE TO COMPARE THIS MOVIE WITH TWILIGHT. DONT. YOU. EVEN. DARE. But still not as epic as Harry Potter (duh!).

Ok last but not least, I didn't expect the movie to be this intense though. Blood splashing everywhere, teenagers being smashed by bricks and stabbed by swords and shot by arrows, isn't that too violent for a PG-13 movie? It was mindblowing for me and my friends, but how about for teens who just turned 13 and watching this with their parents? Dunn dunn dunn.

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Just because I'm here for you all the time doesn't mean you can take me for granted.

Sunday 1 April 2012


“Why are you so bright? It’s as if you’re happy to have this…”

“When all this started, I thought about withdrawing from the world, like most people do, but that is cowardice. So I decided I’m going to live -or at least try to live- the way I want, with dignity, with courage, with humor, with composure.”

“That must have been hard,”

“There are some times when I cry and cry and mourn for myself. Sometimes, I’m so angry and bitter. But it doesn't last too long. Then I get up and say, ‘I want to live’. ”

“Is it working?”

“So far, I've been able to do it. Will I be able to continue? I don't know. But I'm betting on myself that I will.”